Marketing Solutions

Email Marketing

Marketing SOlutions

Email Marketing Programs


eList Rental

Target our audience with 1 custom email.


2-Touch eMAP

(Email Marketing Automation Program)

Double your interactions with a two-touch email campaign.


4-Touch eMAP

(Email Marketing Automation Program)

Nurture your audience with a custom four-touch email campaign.

eList Rental


Target our audience to promote your company, highlight a new product launch, or publicize your event. It’s as easy as choosing your targeted list, providing your custom HTML, and selecting your audience.

Criteria Available:

  • Organization Type
  • Job Function/Rank/Title
  • Purchasing Influence
  • Area of Involvement
  • Geographic Location


  • Exclusive messaging to a broad or targeted portion of our database.
  • Create product interest, brand awareness, site traffic, and lead generation.
  • Top-performing emails have a subject line that asks a question, consists of
    several CTAs, and contains a video and/or downloadable information.

Technical Specifications

Please send all materials, approvals, or corrections to [email protected]. 

    View Full Technical Specs

    Please Note:

    • When sending creative materials, please designate who will be submitting revisions if needed and who has the final approval for the targeted email. If you have multiple people reviewing the test email for changes, please compile all changes into one email and send them to the above email address.
    • A maximum of 2 rounds of edits can be made after the initial test has been sent for review. Please review your material and landing pages prior to submitting them to us.
    • Please do not reply to the tests themselves.
    • *Material must be received at least 48 hours prior to deployment date.

    Checklist for REQUIRED materials for targeted emails:

    1. Completed HTML file
    2. From Line
    3. Subject Line
    4. Test/Seed Names
    5. Final Approver Name

    More in-depth explanations:

    HTML File (as an attachment):

        • This file should be created in pure HTML code, with no external CSS style sheets used. 
        • Creative made with programs such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, or Adobe GoLive is not supported.
        • There are multiple pure HTML editing software programs in the industry –  creative made with any of these programs will help ensure that the audience will be able to properly view your email.
        • *Forwarding of inline HTML is not recommended as Outlook and other email programs add a lot of extra formatting which can cause your HTML to not render correctly. It is recommended that you send your HTML as an attachment for this reason.
          • Note:  The use of JavaScript, iFrames, and video are not supported due to compatibility issues with email clients, as well as for security and spam filtering reasons.
          • Note: HTML designed strictly with divs and css for positioning and alignment will not render correctly with certain versions of Outlook and other email clients. For this reason, it is recommended that you use tables when designing your HTML.


        • *Creative consisting of a single image file (.jpg, .gif, .png, etc.) is not recommended and will increase the chance that your creative will be filtered as spam or have an extensive download time.
        • Image/Graphic Files: You can either host these files on your server, and include the absolute reference URLs in your code, or we can host them if you do not have the ability to do so. If we host, we will make the necessary changes in your code.
          • Note: We recommend that images be no more than 600px in width.
          • Note:  Please do not use background images in your HTML as background images do not render properly in all email clients.
        • Subject Line: What will appear in the subject line when the email deploys.
        •  From Line: What will appear as the sender – usually your company name or a recognizable person in your company. This is the ‘friendly’ version of the from line as the actual email address we are sending from cannot be changed.
        • Test Names: People that you want to review the test email to make sure it works properly before it deploys to the actual list. These people should check all links and make sure that they direct to the proper landing page.  Once everyone on your test list has reviewed, please send one email to [email protected] with changes or approval.
        • Seed Names: If different than test names – these would be people that you want to receive the actual email. Usually, the same as the test names but sometimes a few extra internal people that don’t need to be included in the approval process.
          • Note: We cannot send to any external lists. This includes your company’s database of names.
        •  Opt-Out Lists:  To comply with all email laws and regulations (including CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR), Clarion Events will add an opt-out clause and link to the end of your email creative.  If you have a list of email addresses that have previously opted out of your mailings, please provide us with those names and we will suppress them from your deployment.   

    Deployment Date and Time:

        • Once approval is received from you, we can normally deploy within a couple of hours if you are scheduled for that day. 
        • Please let us know your preferred time of day for your targeted email to go out if you are approving for a future date.

    If you have any questions about any of these items, you can reach us at [email protected]

    EMAP (Email Marketing Automation Program)

    Take elist rental to the next level with email marketing automation.

    Grow and nurture your number of qualified leads with a series of custom emails based on the prospect’s actions.

    Test different subject lines, creative, calls to action, and deployment days/times to increase engagement. 

    Get detailed reporting and qualified leads through the entire marketing automation process.


    2-Touch EMAP

    Get your message out to more prospects by sending an additional email to those who didn’t open your initial one.

    Email 1: BASE copy + BASE subject  

    Email 2: BASE (or new) copy + NEW Subject Line (sent to those who did not open Email 1)


    2-Touch EMAP


    4-Touch EMAP

    Get the most out of your campaigns by having a four-touch, custom campaign:

    Email 1: BASE copy + BASE subject  

    Email 2: BASE copy + NEW Subject Line (sent to those who did not open Email 1)

    Email 3: NEW copy and NEW Subject Line (sent to those who opened but didn’t click Emails 1 and 2)

    Email 4: NEW copy and NEW Subject Line (sent to those who clicked Email 3)


    Technical Specifications

    Please send all materials, approvals, or corrections to [email protected]. 

      View Full Technical Specs

      Please Note:

      • When sending creative materials, please designate who will be submitting revisions if needed and who has the final approval for the email campaigns. If you have multiple people reviewing the test email for changes, please compile all changes into one email and send them to the above email address.
      • A maximum of 2 rounds of edits can be made after the initial test has been sent for review. Please review your material and landing pages prior to submitting them to us.
      • Please do not reply to the tests themselves.
      • *Material must be received at least 48 hours prior to deployment date.

      Checklist for REQUIRED materials for EMAP campaigns:

        • Completed HTML files
          • Initial Copy (HTML 1 and Subject Line 1)
          • Non-opens (HTML 1 and Subject Line 2)
          • Opens but did not click (HTML 2 and Subject Line 3)
          • Opens and did click (HTML 3 and Subject Line 4)
        • From Line
        • Test/Seed Names
        • Final Approver Name

      More in-depth explanations:

      HTML File (as an attachment):

          • This file should be created in pure HTML code, with no external CSS style sheets used. 
          • Creative made with programs such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, or Adobe GoLive is not supported.
          • There are multiple pure HTML editing software programs in the industry –  creative made with any of these programs will help ensure that the audience will be able to properly view your email.
          • *Forwarding of inline HTML is not recommended as Outlook and other email programs add a lot of extra formatting which can cause your HTML to not render correctly. It is recommended that you send your HTML as an attachment for this reason.
            • Note:  The use of JavaScript, iFrames, and video are not supported due to compatibility issues with email clients, as well as for security and spam filtering reasons.
            • Note: HTML designed strictly with divs and css for positioning and alignment will not render correctly with certain versions of Outlook and other email clients. For this reason, it is recommended that you use tables when designing your HTML.


          • *Creative consisting of a single image file (.jpg, .gif, .png, etc.) is not recommended and will increase the chance that your creative will be filtered as spam or have an extensive download time.
          • Image/Graphic Files: You can either host these files on your server, and include the absolute reference URLs in your code, or we can host them if you do not have the ability to do so. If we host, we will make the necessary changes in your code.
            • Note: We recommend that images be no more than 600px in width.
            • Note:  Please do not use background images in your HTML as background images do not render properly in all email clients.
          • Subject Line: What will appear in the subject line when the email deploys.
          •  From Line: What will appear as the sender – usually your company name or a recognizable person in your company. This is the ‘friendly’ version of the from line as the actual email address we are sending from cannot be changed.
          • Test Names: People that you want to review the test email to make sure it works properly before it deploys to the actual list. These people should check all links and make sure that they direct to the proper landing page.  Once everyone on your test list has reviewed, please send one email to [email protected] with changes or approval.
          • Seed Names: If different than test names – these would be people that you want to receive the actual email. Usually, the same as the test names but sometimes a few extra internal people that don’t need to be included in the approval process.
            • Note: We cannot send to any external lists. This includes your company’s database of names.
          •  Opt-Out Lists:  To comply with all email laws and regulations (including CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR), Clarion Events will add an opt-out clause and link to the end of your email creative.  If you have a list of email addresses that have previously opted out of your mailings, please provide us with those names and we will suppress them from your deployment.   

      Deployment Date and Time:

          • Once approval is received from you, we can normally deploy within a couple of hours if you are scheduled for that day. 
          • Please let us know your preferred time of day for your targeted email to go out if you are approving for a future date.

      If you have any questions about any of these items, you can reach us at [email protected]

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